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Sustaining Corporate Wellness Through Art

Connection, communication, and engagement are the three of the most essential aspects for the growth of an organization, both internally and externally.

Importance of connections at work

The workplace holds a central role in many people’s lives.

With the average person spending more time at work than on any other daily activity, it is vital that individuals within any company feel connected and supported by leaders, peers, and all other colleagues.

There are well-known studies demonstrating that healthy relationships in the workplace lead to higher job satisfaction and a better sense that you’re working to your full potential. Some of the advantages include a higher level of innovation and creativity in the workplace, as well as the ability to focus on opportunities.

Also, good work relationships promote a high level of collaboration and make it more likely that others will respond positively to changes you want to implement or cooperate in projects you want to work on.

Operating within a new working model

The working world, as we know it, has changed entirely after the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has posed sudden changes and challenges in the corporate world and forced organizations to opt for work from home policies.

Now that many countries are relaxing the lockdown rules and governments are encouraging employees back to the offices, the concept of a “hybrid workplace” has emerged strongly.

The hybrid workplace model is a relatively new concept for some organizations, but many organisations are planning to adopt this model, which is mainly driven by employees’ reluctance to go back to the office on a full-time basis. If it is here to stay, companies will have to deal with the transition while maintaining productivity and finding new ways to keep teams and individuals connected with each other on a more personal level.

Recognising employee's stress and anxiety

Work-related stress is a growing problem around the world that affects the health and well-being of employees, and in turn, impacts the productivity of organisations.

Following the pandemic, employees are working longer hours, are less likely to take a break and are feeling altogether more stressed.

Lockdown has imposed extra duties on parents, and have also driven many people into a phase of social isolation, especially if they live alone.

Psychological symptoms that have surfaced amongst these employees are:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Discouragement

  • Irritability

  • Pessimism

  • Feelings of being overwhelmed and unable to cope

  • Cognitive difficulties, such as a reduced ability to concentrate or make decisions.

Innovative workshops: The fun way of learning a skill

A fun workshop can bring much-needed relief to the symptoms mentioned above. Also, workshops are a great way to teach hands-on skills as it gives learners an opportunity to try out new methods in a safe/non-competitive environment.

Agartha Art Workshops focuses on conducting Art Workshops that help reduce the stress-busting cells but also offers the opportunity for employees to socialize among themselves on a more personal level while learning a creative new skill.

The workshops, set in a casual environment, are custom-made to fit the requirements of your organization. The goal of the day is to give participants an opportunity to use techniques that develop the creative side of the brain, which aids innovation. In addition, each individual participating ends up with a piece of art that they will be proud of.

Why Colour and Art?

Light is considered to be one of the purest forces in the universe. The presence or absence of light can affect the Hypothalamus, Pituitary, and Pineal glands. This, in turn, can influence our physical and mental health.

Colour therapy, also knows as chromotherapy, uses the benefits of different light, colours and shades to affect your wellbeing.

Colour is everywhere you look, in the green of the grass and blue of the sky. A brightly lit space may lift your mood and make you more alert, where a dark room could be unsettling. With such an effect on our moods and outlooks, it’s not surprising that colour and light have been turned to use in the treatment of illnesses. Creativity, colour – and specifically Art – has shown in this area to enhance employee wellness. In this post, we take a look at colour therapy workshops.

Painting can help generate a happy mood not only in the artist but also in people around them. Releasing emotions through artwork is a helpful experience for most people.

Painting is often a type of healing through abstract emotional expression, and at Agartha, we create a platform for participants to get in touch with their inner artist.

Psychology of Color for Corporates

Marketing and advertising are well-known for utilizing colour psychology. The fact that some companies have heavily invested in this type of research, shows they believe in the power of colour psychology to implement through the company’s logos and advertising.

People associate colours with subjective emotions such as trust, calmness or energy, and countless other ways. Here are some of the emotions that different colours can bring:

RED : Red is bold and one of the most intense colours you could choose, but it certainly grabs attention.

BLUE : Blue is a more intellectual colour and it’s known to stimulate the mind. Associated with the sky and the sea, blues can have different effects depending on the shade.

YELLOW : Yellow is a sunny, positive colour that exudes an energetic and fresh ambience.

GREEN : Green is predominantly associated with nature, tranquillity and balance.

BLACK : Black is a powerful colour to use when applied judiciously. It’s connected with authority, intellect, stability, and strength, but can become overwhelming if used too frequently.

ORANGE : Invigorating and active emotion associated with red while employing yellow’s mellower tones. Orange is great for vitality and positiveness.

INDIGO : Indigo is a hue that radiates power and charm.

VIOLET : The violet colour promotes sensitivity and compassion.

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